Church of the Circle

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The Church of the Circle is the dominant religious organisation in Arginium. It spreads the teachings of the Communion of the Circle, the pre-eminent religion of mortal society. It is the official state religion of the Grand Commonwealth.

Adherents of the religion are known as the Circlers. This term is also used to refer to the collective body of clerics within the Church.

History[edit | edit source]

Rise of mortals...the Exemplars...the empire of Delthoridan...collapse of the Empire...greater freedom & expansion...modern times...heresies.

Attitudes[edit | edit source]

Acolytes of the Church are trained to be vigilant in carrying out their duties. In their service they learn to never betray the trust bestowed upon them, and to be careful to maintain the good relations between the Church and the people. Ordained members of the Church are respected and shown reverence wherever they go, and they use the goodwill of their hard-earned reputation to be a force for compassion and mercy in Commonwealth society.

Practices[edit | edit source]

The teachings of the Church are passed on through weekly worship gatherings and readings of their holy scriptures, as well as studies of past religious works and the men and women hailed as best representing the values of the Communion. Private groups of family and friends, and sometimes groups in a neighborhood, will gather to read scriptures and meditate on their meaning.

Hierarchy[edit | edit source]

The Church maintains a simple, clear-cut hierarchy of titles and positions. These titles are -

  • The Curate is the elected leader of the Church and its foremost representative in the Commonwealth. This individual is selected from among qualified candidates by the Church’s governing council upon the passing of the previous office holder, and they serve for life. The present holder of this office is Danucian Carimalo.
  • Prelates are the leaders of the religion and the Church, and are its senior, fully ordained clerics. They are commonly appointed to preside over a specific area within the Commonwealth, and typically are the custodians of the great chapels in major towns and cities. The most senior clerics of this rank are also members of the Prelate Assembly, which assists the Curate in governing the Church.
  • Deacons are the most common rank within the Church. They have completed their formal studies, and are recognized by the Assembly to perform various religious ceremonies, including marriages and funerals. They also conduct regular religious services and are commonly the custodians of smaller chapels.
  • Acolytes are those young men and women who aspire to join the Church and are pursuing formal religious studies in the chapels and shrines of the religion. They are not formally part of the Church, but are regarded as "preparatory members". They are tasked with performing many of the ceremonial duties of the places of worship where they reside, and also assist deacons and prelates with their duties. It is typical for acolytes, in addition to their studies, to participate in the processional and recessional at various ceremonies, in certain circumstances presenting various religious symbols and artifacts. They also light candles and maintain watch over the chapels and shrines where they work.

Equipment[edit | edit source]

Dress[edit | edit source]

Ordained members of the Church wear a hooded alb of slate blue linen, under which they wear a simple white tunic, black pants, and black leather shoes. The cuffs of a deacon's sleeves have no detailing, but those of a prelate will have an intricate brocade pattern in white thread. Deacons wear a black band cincture, while prelates wear a white cincture. Only the outer vestments of the Curate differ - they wear a white hooded alb with a red band cincture and red chasuble. A cleric only wears their hood up when outdoors.

Ornaments[edit | edit source]

Members of the clergy, like the congregants themselves, carry a set of prayer beads. They are commonly made out of wood, ceramic, or ivory. Most commonly, these will be looped around the believer's wrist, worn throughout a typical day and readily accessible.

Affiliates[edit | edit source]