Arcane Storm

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An arcane storm over the Meriola Mountains.

Arcane storms are intense disturbances of a highly magical nature which originate within the Vrucciaven Wastes, near the confluence of the borders between the Northlands, Westlands, and Midlands. Caused by the ongoing bursts of wild magick which come from the ruined Infinite Well which once sat underneath the great fortress-city of Vrucciaven itself, they are very dangerous and unpredictable. At irregular intervals, sufficient amounts of wild magick from the shattered mana well flood the area and interact with the local weather. These potent buildups of uncontrolled magical energy produce fast-moving fronts of arcane lightning and winds, and while they tend to linger over the Wastes, they can expand into neighboring areas with surprising speed.

When an arcane storm is active in an area, it can be seen from considerable distances as a brilliant mass of green and purplish light. There are also strong winds, multi-colored lightning, and the unsettling echoing ambiance that follows the thunderclaps it produces. An arcane storm can blow into an area very quickly, and typically lingers for as little as a few hours or as long as several days. Any non-arcanist who linger in the open during an arcane storm can potentially suffer mana poisoning. Arcanists typically develop headaches and general all-over pain if in proximity to a storm. Sheltering in a building or under a natural structure is usually sufficient to negate risk of excessive exposure to the wild mana bursts of the storm.