Grand Commonwealth

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The Grand Commonwealth is the nation state which unites all of Arginium under its banner. Considered a spiritual successor state of the Three Empires, it is the largest and most powerful state in the history of Arginium. It’s citizens are known as Commonwealthers. Its capital is the metropolis of Morvista, located in the heart of the western Midlands.

History[edit | edit source]


Government[edit | edit source]

Central[edit | edit source]

The central governing apparatus of the Commonwealth is split into three entities, each with distinct responsibilities and powers - the High Sovereign, the Privy Council, and the Grand Ministry.

At its pinnacle, the state is led by the High Sovereign, who holds vast powers, and rules absolutely. They serve for life, and their leadership fulfills a variety of critical functions. The history of the Commonwealth has seen high sovereigns who were strong and others who were weak. The present leader of the Commonwealth is High Queen Juliora.

Assisting in the rule of the Commonwealth are the lords and ladies of the Privy Council, a body whose membership is drawn from the aristocracy. Nominations are requested on the passing of a sitting member, and the councilors vote on a replacement from among these nominees. Whenever a member is known to be in poor health, one will see much politicking by nobles who seeking a seat on the Council. This politicking can be a moot effort, however, as ultimately only the High Sovereign has final say over those who gain or lose a seat on the Council, and their own decision making doesn't always pay heed to the opinions or efforts of others.

The bureaucracy, known as the Grand Ministry, is comprised of the various offices, bureaus, and commissions which fulfill the various administrative and regulatory functions of the Commonwealth. These include diplomacy, the military, commerce, and various trade and monetary matters. It consists of the following agencies -

  • Offices
    • Foreign
    • War
    • Navy
    • Tax
    • Excise
    • Survey
    • Works
  • Bureaus
    • of Commerce
    • of Provisioning
    • of Public Records
    • of Weights & Measures
    • of Ordnance
    • of Statistics
  • Commissions
    • for Labour & Welfare
    • for the Protection of Special Sites
    • for Trade & Navigation
  • Proctor, Prefect, Advocate, Docent, Arbiter
  • Exchange Hall

Local[edit | edit source]

The Commonwealth as a whole is separated into forty-one duchies, which are synonymous with the provinces. Each is governed by a duke (or duchess). The provinces are divided into a varying number of counties, governed by a count (or countess). These counties, in turn, are divided into ridings, each of which is governed by a baron (or baroness). Each rank of noble lord (or lady) is answerable to the next senior person in the hierarchy, and all are answerable to the High Sovereign at any time.

Within each riding is a differing number of municipalities - cities, towns, and villages. Each of these has an elected mayor and council of aldermen which maintains local leadership. They are aided in their governance by a group of administrative officials - a registrar who manages the birth and death records as well as deeds and licenses, an assessor who coordinates tax and excise collections, and a clerk of works who heads the crews that maintain the highways, bridges, dams and other vital structures in the area.

Every municipality has its own sheriff who oversees a dedicated force of law officers charged with keeping the peace. In an emergency situation, any municipality call upon the nearest Grand Army or provincial militia garrison for help.

Military[edit | edit source]

The military forces of the Commonwealth are divided between the Grand Army and the Grand Armada. These are commanded by the captain general and lord high admiral, respectively.

The Army, at present, consists of forty-three brigades, each commanded by a brigadier and consisting of 4,800 troops each. Three brigades are permanently stationed at forts near Morvista as a permanent capital defence force. The remainder are divided into eight army groups of five brigades each, with every group being assigned to one of eight geographic areas within the four continental regions. These forces maintain highway patrols, support local militia and constabularies as required, and keep the peace.

The Navy, at present, maintains thirty six squadrons, each commanded by a commodore and consisting of twelve ships each. These vessels patrol the coasts and deep waterways of the continent, protecting shipping and the port cities. The squadrons are grouped into six fleets of twelve squadrons each, and each assigned to one of the six great port metropolises of the Commonwealth.

The Army rank structure, from most senior to most junior, is as follows - General, Brigadier, Captain, Lieutenant, Sergeant, Corporal, and Trooper.

The Navy rank structure, from most senior to most junior, is as follows - Admiral, Commodore, Captain, Lieutenant, Petty Officer, Leading Deckhand, and Deckhand.

Economy[edit | edit source]

The economy of the Commonwealth is extensive and robust. A wide range of trade-friendly policies have been maintained by its leadership since its founding. This, combined with a sensible relationship with the trade guilds, have nurtured what has become one of the single wealthiest states in continental history.

Society[edit | edit source]

The official state religion of the Commonwealth is the Communion of the Circle, as represented and spread by the efforts of the clerics of the Church of the Circle.

Social Structure[edit | edit source]

The social structure of the Commonwealth centers around a system known as the "honourable order".

  • Royalty - High Sovereign, their spouse, their children and grandchildren.
  • Aristocracy - Dukes, counts, barons and their families.
  • Knights- All oathsworn and anointed members of the knightly orders.
  • Clergy - Clerics of the Church who have taken the orders.
  • Merchants - All traders, merchants, and other business people.
  • Commoners - All common working folk.

Measurements[edit | edit source]

  • league - 3 miles
  • stone - 15 pounds
  • fathom - TBD