Violette Humilio
Violette Humilio - born 4915 CE - is a human serving High Magistra of the Incantrium, the arcane guild chartered by the Grand Commonwealth and the Eastlands. In this capacity, she is considered the foremost voice of the magick affairs of the Commonwealth. She has served as leader of the guild since 4973 CE.
Lady Humilio is considered one of the prominent citizens of the Grand Commonwealth, and one of the most powerful arcanists alive. Known for being firm, no-nonsense and deeply traditional, she is nevertheless highly respected and popular within the guild. She is known to show a maternal affection - if somewhat gruff and "tough love" in its manner - towards all members.
Lady Humilio is a native of Egredore, born and raised in a small village on the shores of Grammiron Bay. She has been part of the Incantrium since 4920, when she started her initial arcane education, and was made an adept arcanist in 4944.
She stands five feet, five inches tall and has wizened features, with a prominent nose and chin. She wears her wavy, silvery gray hair halfway down her back. She wears flowing robes of a deep cobalt blue fabric that some describe as "appearing to have been cut from the night sky itself" for the sparkling starry patterns woven into it. She keeps a pair of half-moon pince-nez optics on a red silk ribbon around her neck that are said to have numerous enchantments on them. On her belt she has an arcanist's wand and an enchanted silver dagger.
Lady Humilio is a close friend of High Queen Juliora, and was partly responsible for the arcane education of several of her children and grandchildren, most notably Prince Royal Leoric, her eldest grandchild.
OOC - To imagine Lady Humilio's voice, think of Nanny McPhee. This includes the tendency to answer questions and statements with "Mmm."